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python programming made easy
Python For Everybody
Python Programming MADE EASY
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Python For Everybody!
So without further ado, let’s start learning from the free Python tutorials below!
Python is the best programming language for beginners. Compared to other programming languages, Python is the closest to natural …
Computer programming is writing codes to run on a computer. It is the writing of instructions for the computer to perform some functions …
Python must be installed before you can run Python program codes on your computer, and in order for you to follow through the …
We will start our first coding lesson. We will cover the very basic concepts of Python — starting with the print() function, and then …
Nearly 80% of our codes will consist of variables. That’s how important variables are. Variables will be referred to throughout the …
Computers are nothing more than machines that do 2 specific tasks extremely well — which is to store values and to perform …
What are numeric data types? There are 2 main numeric data types, namely, integers and floating-point numbers. Integers can consists …
In Python, you can easily repeat a text by using the multiplication sign. Print hi multiply by 3 will print HiHiHi. Print asterisk multiply …
We can use Python built-in methods and functions to manipulate strings. To convert a string to uppercase, we can use the Python …
Typecasting is data type conversion. It allows you to specify a data type to a variable, or to convert a variable of one data type into …
Data structures are a way of organizing data, and storing data, so that we can perform operations on the data effectively …
Multidimensional lists have lists within lists. A list can hold another list, which themselves can hold yet another list as well, and …
Lists and tuples are ordered collection of data. They are called ordered collection of data, because you can insert items into a list or a …
Sets are also unordered collection of data, because the items in a set have no sequence, or sequence number. Sets do not have index …
Operators, as the name implies, perform operations on variables and values. The variables and values that the operator performs operation …
The membership operators are used to check if a value is found within a sequence. You can use the membership operator to test …
In programming, there are 3 types of control structures, namely sequential execution, if then else decisions and looping back …
If your score is greater than or equal to distinction score, print Congrats, and print You have passed with distinction elif your score is greater …
Loops are control structures that loop back to repeat a block of codes. Loops are repetitions for a block of codes which you want to repeat …
The For loop repeats itself the number of times as specified in the range() function. The indented block of codes will be executed for …